Edible Fetus

Monday, November 07, 2005

Mass - New Birth

Sweet hair metal. Mass was, in my humble opinion, one of the most underrated of the 80s-era "hair" metal bands. Perhaps I'm jaded because they're from my home state, but they absolutely rocked. "New Birth" was, by far, the heaviest of Mass' releases, the absolutely horrendous "Do You Love Me?" notwithstanding.

This is a vinyl rip, because this has never been released on CD. I went on a search through CD Tracker and found someone who had this and we traded (CDRs even, very "old school" huh?). The rip is a good one and the CD f-ing rocks. Against all odds (and perhaps against all advice,) this band is still around, though I have head absolutely nothing from them in many many moons.

Mass - New Birth


At 9:10 AM, Blogger fulees said...

please upload it...


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